Integration of Github with Docker and Jenkins
The aim of the this article is to configure a web server inside the container with the right HTML code.
Task description
Job1 : If Developer push to dev branch then Jenkins will fetch from dev and deploy on dev-docker environment.
Job2: If Developer push to master branch then Jenkins will fetch from master and deploy on master-docke environment. both dev-docker and master-docker environment are on different docker containers.
Job3: QA team will check (test) for the website running in dev-docker environment. If it is running fine then Jenkins will merge the dev branch to master branch and trigger #job 2
Project Description
I created a local repository where I put my code. This Repository is also Known as Work-Space . And push my HTML code in Git Hub, and created one more branch for the developer where the developer team pushes the code.
Jenkins fetch from dev and deploy on dev-docker environment
Here you see dev code run successfully it return status code 200.
Jenkins fetch from master and deploy on master-docker environment
As in Job 1, it returns Status Code = 200, it means it is working fine.
So now it will merge dev branch to master branch. And push it to Github.